Friday, August 26, 2011

The world spins madly on...

That's life...that's what all the people say. It is very likely that you and I may interpret those two little words very differently. When things start to look up you sometimes find yourself practically prancing through life on your tip-toes but when the sunlight fades and the darkness arises you may be deeply troubled with the challenges you face. Today someone cried, someone fell in love, someone fell out of love, someone witnessed a miracle, someone was a miracle, someone recognized the day for it's goodness and someone was unbearably reminded by it's harshness. If you cried today I hope you get the chance to smile tomorrow. If you were immersed in a world of beauty that gave you goose bumps, I hope you share what you have seen. If you were touched by a distant thought or a faded memory, I hope your reflection of it created a new meaning in your mind. Today was shared with each and everyone of you and I find that to be perfectly amazing. You see, your day shapes my day and days to come as mine does to you. When your  happy I may not be happy but your happiness brings light into my troubles. If my heart is full I hope it beams to those who need some mending. I may not know your name and you may have only seen me pass you by ever so briefly....but you changed my day. In small ways and in all sizes in between, your presence leaves it's mark on the entire world. Share your smiles and your tears, your heartaches and fulfillment. Encourage those around you to dream and to dream BIG. There is such goodness all around yet it is so easily missed. Laugh a little or a lot and don't be shy to say I love you. I love you!!! See that was easy!!!! Don't be so hard on yourself. Frank Sinatra was right when he said, 
"But I won't let it, let it get me down cause this fine world keeps spinning round." Let's go for a will be bumpy and we might fall off but it will be unforgettable I can promise you that. Cheers to tomorrow..... Live for today. xoxo
love you always

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