Monday, June 6, 2011

Spark of Creation

Creation: The world and all things in it. To be born with imagination that allows your entire existence to ponder the unimaginable. To regard everything as it is but to make the decision if it is as it should be. I have only been here for a short while compared to forever, which is an awfully long time but every tick of the clock has taught me the precise things that I need to know. Patience, a mountain I have learned to climb slowly, gradually inching my way to the top. Instead of being in such a hurry, gratitude is found when life is taken a little more slowly, patiently. The truth is presented in the moments you are present in and as always the truth will set you free. Without worry and without cares you see people for who they are. You notice the stories their eyes have been trying to tell and for the first time in awhile you want more than ever to be apart of that never ending story. Home is where the heart is, nevertheless, people make a home. Wherever I go and wherever I end up if ending up is really where I will ever be, those around me will make my house a home and it will be made with each and every story, every journey, every beginning and every ending until it is finished. Too many pages to even grasp, this world will read the greatest tale that has ever been written. I look forward to seeing each of you dream wide awake, and grasp the things that are no longer impossible. Always love along the way....
Niki Lee