I don't know what's in the air this month but february has captured my thoughts. I usually write when something is on my heart so here we go again. First off, it's rainy and it has been rainy for quite sometime or so it feels like it. The clouds aren't perfected shapes in the sky and the sun is tucked behind gloomy days. The moon is out tonight glowing with beauty which is nice to see. It's neat to think that we all sleep under the same sky no matter where we might be or where we might go. Apart from the despiteful weather it's always a blessing to wake up to a new day regardless of whether the earth decided to be happy or not. But who is to say the earth isn't cheerful...? When it rains, it doesn't always pour but either way take it as you would like. As far as my little piece of earth that I walk around on each day, I have found that every marking and every place is a memory. Memories that are clearly to be remembered or else they would have been forgotten. It's not always easy or comfortable to stumble upon a place that once tickled your heart or made tears dwell in your eyes, but for whatever reason you felt those feelings. Now what to do with them? Learn. To learn that every encounter is a chance to grow. Some of the best experiences are the ones that hurt the most but what an unforgettable encounter to have been touched so deeply. The best days of your life often don't appear that way until the day is already over but luckily enough you have the memory to remind you of it. The hardest decision and choice to make is to figure out how to deal with the times of "what was" or how it could of been. In any situation you are living in the "right now" and what has happened is gone. So what is to come next...? I couldn't tell you but I pray that it is more than lovely. I hope that the things you wish to forget can be sparked by a moment of something that made you smile. No matter where you are, the sky is both yours and mine and that will always be true. The clouds will part and form images from your imagination and they will tumble back together again to fill the earth with pure moisture. Rain or shine today is yours. Sometimes you grasp it and other you times you just try to get by...and you will get by because even though you don't see it someone is gently pushing you along, especially when you need it most. You don't always have to be so brave or so strong. Today may have caught you off guard but you made it through right...? There is always time to smile and when things are funny you laugh even when you don't want to. For today, I can say I made it through. To tomorrow, I must wait and see what you have in store. To all of you, I pray that your happiness may be found each and everyday and that you never feel alone. Dr. Seuss once said, "Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You."
Dear God,
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
The courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.
Amen. night night

Thursday, February 17, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
4 letters.
Love. A four letter word that holds meaning bigger than our atmosphere. One can love yes, but to love unconditionally is solely found in the one and only. The one who gave you and I life. The one who teaches us to love always and not to judge. To embrace the weak and pray for those you've never even met. To forgive in all aspects, all spectrums. To realize that people are people and that people will make mistakes. You will get hurt and you will hurt others, not intentionally but sometimes so. Remember what it was like to suffice to your wrong doing and to be honestly forgiven. Also remember what it was like to open your heart to forgive even when you felt broken. If your troubled the odds are someone else is too, pray for them. Keep in touch with the one who knows your heart and mind better than you do, He created it. You may feel scattered or incapable of being put back together but when in doubt, look up. You will be whole again because what lives in you is far greater then ever imagined. The stars are aligned perfectly not by chance and we know that the world is round. We have been placed here to wonder and to question why and I hope you do. Answers you may have might not be answered right away, but keep the faith because someone is listening. At this very moment you are loved. When the tears stream your down face you are loved and when your eyes sparkle with joy you are loved. You are always loved in every moment and in every stage of your life. There will be disappointments and a sense of worry but cast your cares to the skies. Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Be willing to take chances but to not be hasty, there is a difference. You will never be given more than you can bear. Let love in and love in return. I appreciate every encounter my small life has received, thank you for touching my heart in every way I will never forget it. From the bottom of my heart, love always.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Soft Focus.
I want to live my life by one virtue. Truth. To be honest in all situations even if it's hard to admit that I'm wrong. I don't want to choose to live vicariously or hastily therefore putting the feelings of others second to mine. I would hope that those around me would consider my interests as highly as their own, as I would choose to do the same for them. Life get's sticky and complicated and unfair and everyday I have the choice to reject those situations. Sometimes those situations arise without realizing we are even apart of it, when in fact were finding ourselves right in the middle of it. So what do you do...? Steadfast and seek the truth with the risk of losing something of importance...? Or stay right where you are because it's comfortable and easier to go along for the ride...? The easy way out is the road most taken but I choose the narrow one. The road without directions or a certainty of a destination. I will take the road less traveled because whatever struggle I face now I may face again in a different light. And if so, I want to learn to overcome it with dignity and heart. I don't want to be distracted by victory or become comfortable because I have defeated, I would rather lose and be knocked down to come out stronger and justified by honesty to know that doing what is right is what always should be done. Right and wrong seems black and white but this world presents matters much harder than "this way or that way." What do you see...? Is the world open and bright, in crystal clear focus...? Or is it blurry, making your eyes soften so you can't see what actually is between the lines...? Or do you choose to surpass the writing on wall because it's too hard to take in or so unfair that you don't know how to fight it alone...? If you stumble, I hope to be there to pick you up. If I trip, I hope to grasp your hand before I fall. Right or wrong your conscience will always tell you what is true. You may start out alone, but you will soon meet those that are attached to your heart because your hearts are made up of the same. To live is an awfully big adventure and to love is to be honest. The truth lies within all, seek it and you will find it. Be it for others to see. Love you...Niki
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