Monday, December 27, 2010
warm and fuzzy
The stockings are hung by the chimney with care and Christmas tree's are spotted in every window glowing brightly with cheer. The essence of Christmas is magical, it never fails to live up to it's standard of simply being joyful. The house always feels warmer, slippers always feel cozier, and smiles always melt your heart a little more than they used to. Christmas reminds you of the ones you love and have loved, those here still with us and those who are looking down upon us. It brightens old memories and brings excitement to the future. Presents are wrapped perfectly with satin bows and snowflake paper, but it doesn't stop you from tearing it off in hopes that whatever is in that box is exactly what your hoping it to be. Once the gifts have been opened and the goodies adored or played with, life seems more than O.K or so how I see it. Those around me are getting older, dreams are getting bigger and friendships are remembered. No matter where you go for the holidays the food is always good and most importantly you are loved. Not because of the things you own or things you just received, tangible things are not thought of in love. You are loved because you have been missed, because you haven't been home in awhile to share what you have learned or how you have changed or how you haven't. You are loved for you just as you are. Perfectly made to be yourself. Life offers more than a wish, and more than a dream. It offers certainty of everlasting love forever from this world and into the next. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. amen. In closing, there is always hope within despair and love triumphs over all. I hope you had the merriest Christmas and cherished each new memory that was made. Love you always, Niki.
Friday, December 3, 2010
please and thank you
Thanksgiving was rad. Home sweet home was a holiday delight and the fire was always roaring. Cozy and calm, it was relaxing and the most enjoyable. I had a permanent tummy pooch for two days. Going back to the place of born and raised brings back memories and old friends that gave me some of the best days my life. The air was cold, I could see my breath and it smelled like christmas...it was good to be home. I am more than thankful for the simplicity and kind heartedness of my friends and family. Picking back up where we left off as if no one ever moved away or chased their dreams without me. Going home always feels like we never left and I am thankful for that. God has blessed me with the two most important human beings in my life my mom and dad. My mom is my best friend and my dad is my number one fan, I am so thankful they are mine. I am thankful for the old and the new in every spectrum of my life, thank you to all who have blessed my life, I am lucky girl. Love you
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
bits and pieces.
Niki Lee. Established 1989. Small town girl with big time dreams. When life gets rough I recommend getting a manicure and really cute helmet. Disney is my story, I have a small beginning but the last page is bound to be quite lovely. Theatre shapes my heart. It's hard. Im working on it. I like to eat. I love God. My family: The BEST My friends: I couldn't live without you. My life is constantly reminded by love. I live with six lovely ladies that shape and form my days through the rain and the shine. Roomies in order by room: #1. Hannah sleeps with all her covers over her head, I rarely see her face. #2. Heather smells the best, all the time. #3. Andrea is a puerto rican princess and she likes to use the upstairs bathroom. #4. Simone wears red lip stick and boots. #5. Janette has really cute cheekies. #6. Ashley is an urban leading lady with BIG eyes and feathers in her hair. Oh and one more part time roomie, we call him Cam. He rides a long board and enjoys sleepover's on couches that aren't his. V.I.P of our house: Jackie Herbert, she's a goof and loved for it. I have a monkey and a snuggly bear, I sleep with them every night. I am afraid of the dark and I don't like spiders. I like to walk and enjoy free parking. I like cold pillows and electric blankets and tea. I think a lot sometimes too much and sometimes too little. Im going to write it down and you can read it if you would like. Enjoy!!
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